Welcome to ”Mujer de Exito Unbounded,” one of the first bilingual podcast shows that celebrates Latina and BIPOC Mujer-Preneurs. Join us in this safe and inclusive space where we share stories and secrets of success, in Spanglish! The podcast is a community for Latina and BIPOC thrivers to connect, inspire, and support each other in business and education. In each episode, we dive deep into the challenges and triumphs faced by successful Latina and BIPOC Mujer-Preneurs. We share practical tips and strategies that can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. We let our ”Latinaness” show as we share raw and real experiences about the journey from survivor to thriver. Whether you’re a startup Mujer-Preneur or a seasoned one, you’ll find valuable insights and inspiration from the trailblazing Mujeres de Exito, Unbounded in our podcast. Tune in and join the conversation!”

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
How to give yourself grace as an entrepreneur/micro-biz owner
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Today we talk about how to give yourself grace as an entrepreneur. First let me ask, do you know what grace is?
Because I thought I knew what it was but I discovered that I honestly did not.
Today I am going to use it as a noun, = courteous goodwill--
Then my question becomes how often in your busy entrepreneurial day do you give yourself (courteous goodwill) Grace?
Listen to the full episode and find out!
Then give yourself grace by joining the upcoming 5 day Rock your biz challenge happening inside this private community-- Request to join!!
This group is hosted by Marti Angel. As a network marketing and Latina biz strategist, business coach, and digital marketing expert I grew her business to six figures in one year alone using the power of social media.
So I am now dedicated to use this group to teach other coaches, Multicultural women, Latina entrepreneurs, network marketing women, how to leverage social media to create massive tribes and drive quality leads to their client-based businesses.

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Interview with mujer De Exito, unbounded Terry Gerbs
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Listen in as I interview this mujer De exito, unbounded -Terry Gerbs, MA, PHR, SHRM-CP as she shares her story of going from survivor to thriver!!
https://f3hr.net/ go to her site and sign up for a no-cost consultation!!
The code is #Unbounded. Click on the link to receive a no cost consultation.
This group is hosted by Marti Angel. As a network marketing and Latina biz strategist, business coach, and digital marketing expert I grew her business to six figures in one year alone using the power of social media.
So I am now dedicated to use this group to teach other coaches, Multicultural women, Latina entrepreneurs, network marketing women, how to leverage social media to create massive tribes and drive quality leads to their client-based businesses.
REQUEST TO JOIN TODAY: request to join!!

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
The belief you need to succeed in your biz
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
The belief you need to succeed in your biz!
So you know normally I'm all about the doings of business but now I'm going to be all heart! Today I'm going to be talking about you beliefs!
Here is the deal guys in order for you to truly succeed, yes you need all the tools and you need to know all the strategies and you need to do all this stuff,
all of what I called the doing!
You need to do the doing but what inside of you guys are what I call the innards.
The beliefs that were paradigms are those beliefs you find deep inside, you really have to go inside.
You really have to think about:
- Do I believe in me, do I believe in me?
- Do I believe in the mission?

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
The power of writing down you goals and why you must
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
The importance of writing down your goals
Here are 5 simple benefits of writing down your goals that will help you achieve your goals. Neuroscience explains that Writing things down doesn’t just help you remember, it makes your mind more efficient by helping you focus on the truly important stuff. And your goals absolutely should qualify as truly important stuff.
This group is hosted by Marti Angel. She is a micro biz strategist and a business coach, and digital marketing expert who grew her business to six figures in one year alone using the power of social media.
She teaches you how to grow your biz from brick and mortar to click and order!
She now uses this group to teach other coaches, Latina entrepreneurs, network marketing women, how to leverage social media to create massive tribes and drive quality leads to their client-based businesses.
REQUEST TO JOIN TODAY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rockyourbizacademyfree

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Today we interview Mujer De Exito, Unbounded - Kimberly Henriquez- curandera
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Today we interview Curandera Mujer De Exito, Unbounded- Kimberly Henriquez CEO of Obra of Love https://www.obraoflove.com/ today if you shop her store and use the code "Mujer de Exito" you will get a 40% off discount!!
What an amazing offer!!
If you have ever toyed with the idea of being an entrepreneur-- please take this quiz https://martiangel.com/entrepreneur-quizz/
Then come back and let me know what your archetype is!!

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Understanding and Unlocking the Power of Clarity for your biz
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Like money, business is a means to something else. That is why,
Understanding and unlocking the Power of Clarity is key to your small business.
It allows you to do what is important and purposeful. Clarity allows passion and purpose to align and become a means to overcoming obstacles and achieving new heights.
Clarity creates customers that buy. This is not about just getting better at sales, or getting in front of more people.
This is about clarity, about getting laser-focused on what you want to do.
If you have a coach or mentor in your life, then I’ll bet you have heard them say on one or multiple occasions that you have to “get clear” on what you want to offer.
You are invited to join the PRIVATE FB COMMUNITY HERE Join us and I will see you there!
Marti Angel, MA, FDN

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Today we interview Mujer De Exito, unbounded -Naomi Nye
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Today, this episode is an amazing interview with
Naomi Nye-- creator of https://www.thnnetwork.org/
As well -- episode brought to you by "What is your entrepreneurial archetype?"
Take the Quiz and find out your strengths as an entrepreneur

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
How To Succeed As a Micro Biz Owner
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
You have decided to venture out and create a side business so you can begin to invest in your future by creating an income that is apart from your main source- your job.
As a Latina Biz Coach, the most often asked question I get is “How do I succeed as a micro biz entrepreneur?
To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they’ll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money, only to find that making money in a business is much more difficult than they thought and way more intricate.
What is a Micro Business? A micro business, also known as a micro-company or micro-enterprise, is the newest trend in the entrepreneurial world. Because it is so new, the term is vaguely defined:
A Micro Business is a small business that operates with 1-5 employees and requires less than $50,000 to start the company.
*********** I invite you to find out what your entrepreneurial archetype is**************
Then Dm me what your type is!!

Friday Jun 25, 2021
What is your Entrepreneurial Archetype?
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Today's episode is all about the importance of finding out what your entrepreneurial archetype is.
Knowing what you have to work with is key to helping you set up your working day!.
There are 4 different archetypes, take the quiz to find out what your archetype is:
I invite you to take the quiz and then come back leave me a message and I will send you a gift!!
please leave me some love and subscribe to this podcast I would really appreciate it!

Friday Jun 18, 2021
How to up-level your bio on social media
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Today I want to begin with BUSTING THE BIGGEST MYTH regarding social media.
Social Media is just a fad!! NOT!
Social Media is for now at least at the time of this live is still a free platform to market your products or services!
That being said, it can absolutely change at any point in time! So my question to you all
Is this- Why are you not taking it seriously and using it as the tool it is to build your biz?
If you are then kudos to you! If not then what are you waiting for?
Your Bio? Well on every platform they give a certain amount of characters to bring your message to life.
I can certainly share the intimacy of each platform, Today I will focus on Instagram since that seems to be the most restrictive in terms of characters, if you can manage to get your message there then you can bring it to other platforms.
First of all, let's talk about the one two-part question I get asked all the time:
?Should I have a biz, creator, or a personal account, and should I keep it private or not?
Now if you are stuck and not sure what kind of entrepreneurial strengths you have, I invite you to take this quiz https://martiangel.com/entrepreneur-quizz/
Then send me a DM at @martiangel_elc and let me know what your archetype is ❤️
As always I am so incredibly grateful for you!!